Other studies show that people who work in open-plan offices are more likely to suffer from high blood pressure, stress and airborne infections such as flu. 其他研究表明,在开放式办公室工作的人更容易患高血压,压力更大大,更易被传染,如流感。
She recommends taking 10 deep, diaphragmatic breaths before the interview, because it reduces our heart rate, blood pressure and stress hormone level. 她建议在面试前,进行10次深度的横膈膜呼吸,因为这样能够减慢我们的心率,血压以及应激激素水平。
Nearly two years ago, the company experimented with advanced health monitoring sensors that tracked blood pressure and stress, among other variables. 将近两年前,公司曾尝试使用高级健康监测传感器,用于跟踪血压和精神压力等等因素。
Factors that can affect the placenta include maternal high blood pressure, stress and smoking. 影响胚盘的因素包括母体的高血压、压力和吸烟。
The hydraulic fracturing not only relieves the stress but also generates pore pressure and stress concentration, which is the new security risk. 压裂方向的不可控导致孔隙压力和地应力分布混乱,成为新的安全隐患。
For those who enjoy pressure and stress, South Island will leave them empty-handed. 对那些喜欢压力和紧张的人而言,南岛将使他们空手而返;
Using this method can not only calculate shrink-fitting pressure and stress of rectangular bore containers after shrink-fitted efficiently, but also reduce workload. 该法能一次性求解装配压力,大大减少了计算的工作量。
Numerical simulation on influence of tire pressure to stress distribution in wheel 轮胎充气压力对车轮应力分布影响的数值模拟
When the initial stress is pressure stress, more complicated responses such as almost-periodic solutions and chaos motion are found in the system. 在顺流向初应力为压应力状态下,系统存在非周期响应,如概周期振动及混沌运动。
It is found that the dynamic Poisson's ratio increases with generalized shear strain, but decreases with increasing effective confining pressure and stress ratio. 试验结果表明:土体的动泊松比随着广义剪应变的增大而增大;
The main comparison included the settlement of tunnel crown and arch foot, horizontal convergence, surrounding rock pressure, stress of initial supporting steel framework, etc. 拱顶下沉、拱脚下沉、水平收敛、围岩压力、初支钢架应力等。
Already dangerous pressure points in the Earth's upper layers are now about to break apart because of new pressure and stress from the increased energy build up. 由于扩大增强的能量造成新的挤压与应力,先前危险的压力点,目前在地球表面层即将裂开。
The low resistance and low pressure stress ITO film for color filter is investigated. 探讨了用于彩色滤光片的低电阻和低压应力的ITO透明导电膜工艺。
Analysis of the Pressure and Stress of Sliding Bearings 滑动轴承的压力和应力分析
Distribution of sole pressure stress in donor foot 供趾足的足底压应力分析
The results show that the fault has no evident impact on the maximum principal pressure stress but high effect on the maximum principal shear stress; 结果表明:断层对最大主压应力影响不明显,但对最大主拉应力影响较大;
The polycrystalline ITO film with low resistance and low pressure stress can be fabricated by vacuum annealing amorphous ITO film deposited at room temperature. 结果表明,采用室温沉积非晶态ITO膜,在真空退火下可获得低电阻、低压应力的多晶相ITO膜。
The new process of producing pressure stress by counter welding temperature difference treatment and its first successful application in China in repairing stress corrosion cracking of hydroprocessing reactor were detailed. 文章详细介绍了在国内外首次采用逆焊接温差处理制造压应力新工艺,以及成功修复加氢反应器产生的应力腐蚀裂纹的过程。
A mathematical-mechanical model is set up to describe the characteristics of hydraulic pressure stress field. 我们建立了一个数学一力学模型,以描述水压应力场的特征。
The analysis of the unsteady work zone is based on the known inlet film thickness by which the distribution information of pressure stress and friction stress in the work zone can be obtained. 非稳态工作区的分析建立在已知的入口油膜厚度基础之上。
The results indicated that when a straight rube is formed into a spiral tube, its stress distribution becomes complicated, and both tensile stress and pressure stress exist and their directions are not in the same direction though the bursting strength will not decrease. 结果表明:光管成型加工成螺旋管后,虽然爆破强度不会下降,但其应力分布变得复杂,既存在拉应力又存在压应力,且方向也不一致。
When extensor tendon tractive force acted at introversion posture, the upper area of medial condyle displayed pressure stress stripe while the upper area of lateral condyle displayed pulling stress stripe. 内翻位伸肌腱作用下,肱骨外侧髁上部为拉应力条纹,内侧髁上部为压应力条纹。
The results show that the pressure stress of ITO layer is the major factor that influences the warp of ITO conductive coating thin glass, the warp of ITO conductive coating glass can be reduced obviously at appropriate distribution of coating temperature. 结果表明,薄基片ITO玻璃的翘曲度主要是在镀膜时ITO膜层压应力大引起的,选择合适的成膜温度分布可明显减小ITO玻璃的翘曲度。
The early expansion establishs the pressure stress that can delay the crack time in the concrete. And the steady later micro-expansion is very suit for the temperature shrinkage compensating of the hydraulic mass concrete. 早期的膨胀能在混凝土中建立一定的压应力,延迟混凝土开裂,后期又能提供长期微量的膨胀,对补偿水工大体积混凝土后期温度收缩十分有利。
The results show that the higher pressure stress of ITO layer is the main factors causing the warp of ITO conductive coating thin glass, and the polycrystalline ITO film with low pressure stress can be fabricated by higher temperature annealing amorphous ITO film deposited at room temperature. 实验发现,ITO膜层的很高的压应力是导致导电膜玻璃翘曲的直接原因;采用室温沉积非晶ITO膜,然后经高温热退火可获得低膜压应力多晶相ITO膜。
The influence of such parameters as back tension stress, surface average speed, inlet angle and angle frequency on the distribution of film thickness, pressure stress and friction stress has been analyzed by calculation. 根据已知的工作区油膜厚度可分析得到工作区压应力和摩擦应力分布情况。
Based on the coupling failure mechanism of mechanics and corrosion, the distribution law of velocity, shear stress and pressure stress near the inside wall of the elbows were simulated. 基于腐蚀与力学耦合作用的冲蚀失效机理,针对弯头进行了CFD建模与仿真,分析并获得了弯头内壁的速度、切应力和压应力等的分布规律。
Direct Tunneling Relaxation Spectroscopy in Ultrathin Gate Oxide MOS Structures Under Constant Pressure Stress 超薄栅MOS结构恒压应力下的直接隧穿弛豫谱